Sexual Education On Campus: An Update

In September I had written an article about the outdated, and mostly lack of sexual education posters around campus and while the outdated poster about Chlamydia is still on the bathroom stall doors, there has been a response from student services.

After the article had come out, Katie Gross; Dean of Students took notice and shortly after reached out to SERC (Sexual Education Resource Center) here in Brandon. Due to staff changes there was a delay but eventually SERC was able to provide the university with some new posters for the campus pertaining to sexual health. There are plans to continue adding more new posters to the campus in order to educate students or to give them information they need. Mrs. Gross also pointed out that the Peer Wellness Coordinators of Brandon University are the ones to put up the posters in places other students can access them, and both she and I thank them for their help.  

There is also the hope that student services will be able to reach out to the public health authority, who have no affiliation with the university, to possibly have a public health nurse provide office hours on campus. Another possibility is to have workshops set up in the same way that students have workshops for test anxiety and stress. If it can be set up, then sexual education and resources could be a workshop available in the new September semester.

As I was speaking to Mrs. Gross, I asked what students could do in the meantime. There are a number of places that students can reach out to. First are of course student services where students can make appointments with one of two student counselors, and if any issues related to sexual health come up then the counsellor can refer the student to Prairie Mountain Health or suggest going to see their family doctor. Secondly, students can go to a professor that they trust who can then help mentor them in a direction that will be helpful. A third option is to go directly to the SERC office here in Brandon.

Sexual education and health are an important part of university wellness and the fact that there is more information being placed around campus and acts of change for sexual education are happening over time; is a good development of knowledge students can obtain. 

Do not be afraid to ask questions.