How Love Has Changed

How each of us view love and relationships has changed a great deal since we were in middle school. A pointless relationship that only includes mainly awkward hugs, winks, smiles, conversations, and constant use of the term “I love you”. Urban dictionary sums it up perfectly: When a kid in middle school (usually ages 11-14) “likes” another kid and they agree to a week of hugging each other every day. It lasts longer if you’re over 13. If you’re 12 and under, it’s basically just spotting your “lover” in their group of friends and hugging them, then standing around awkwardly when alone, every day for a week, or a day or two. It’s completely fake!

Crushes are way better compared to middle school relationships. At least you have something to dream about. Then it seemed so simple and innocent. It was easier because it seemingly had no real-life consequences to a young person. It was a friendship we called dating or having of girlfriend/boyfriend. Middle school is when some decide to try the romance thing, and, as with most experiences, the early and innocent attempts rarely resemble the high school or adult attempts. Relationships sometimes only involve two clumsy conversations: the asking out and the breaking up.

As an older person, that can be more heartbreaking. When you are younger, it doesn’t matter as much, though that is not to say that some early relationships won’t work out. Sometimes they do. Growing up has sadly made the world a much scarier place and romantic relationships are much more complex. It seems almost pessimistic to say that, but it is the truth. The long term is thought about in adult relationships. Even when it becomes stressful, it’s the love that matters, whether it is innocent middle school dating or the grown-up relationships, it’s the emotion behind it that matters. Love is wanting the other to be happy and that hasn’t changed.