

张琴辉 (教育学院)       

留学生涯,不仅是繁忙的学习任务,还有在异乡的孤单和思念。 下周一(九月二十四日)就是中国的传统节日-中秋节。 这个节日意味着亲朋好友们团聚,赏月,吃月饼,畅谈人生。有句古诗叫“每逢佳节倍思亲”- 在外的游子,在传统节假日来临之际,会加倍地思念故乡的亲人和朋友。 

在此借Quill 板块一角, 祝愿大家在Brandon 大学学习、生活愉快。让我们一起庆祝这团聚的日子,并敬请关注中秋节活动公告。另外, Quill报纸每隔一周会刊登中文版的Brandon大学的趣事杂谈。期待您的来信来稿,让我们与Quill一起,共度美好的校园生活!

Every Festive Season

The first Chinese traditional festival of this new semester is “Zhong Qiu Jie”(中秋节), which is also known as The Moon Festival. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. On that night, the full moon is extraordinarily round and bright, which was given a mythological twist, with the legends of Chang’e, a beautiful lady living on the moon. On this night, we traditionally invite our family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon, which is a promising symbol of harvest, harmony and family reunion. Additionally, the foods we prepared for this special day usually are cups of tea and a plate of moon cake. 


Next Monday, September 24, you can experience this wonderful Chinese traditional festival by a cup of tea and a piece of moon cake, siting on a comfortable chair in your back yard, raising your head, gazing on the clear moon and imagining that beautiful lady.  Or, you also can come and join our activity “The Moon Night”, September 23 on campus. Please email us if you want to attend this wonderful night activity, know more about Chinese cultures, give us comments or make suggestions.