Women’s Collective Update

On October 3rd the Women’s Collective had their second meeting of the 2018/2019 academic year. Part of the discussion was the desire to offer a reimbursement for birth control as many are often not covered by Insurance such as an IUD or the shot. It was decided this would be something the executive would look into and attempt to see what funds could be set aside for such an endeavour. 

Some activities planned for this year discussed in the previous article were a topic of conversation at the latest meeting, and some dates were set for certain events. One of these events will be with SERC on October 23. The Sexuality Education Resource Centre (SERC) will be coming to campus with reproductive health information and resources. 

At the beginning of the Winter semester there will be more reproductive tabling, with raffle prizes and hopefully a resident gynecologist to talk to students and answer questions. Alexandra Mackay who is one of the Women’s Collective members in charge of organizing the event said “Reproductive health is important because most education systems lack a consistent and scientifically founded approach to the topic. The subject is usually shrouded in shame or vagueness that perpetrates myths and misunderstandings. And a university campus is often where all the misinformation culminates to create real-life consequences.”

On November 23rd the Collective will be holding a wine and paint night. Last year a paint night was put on at Forbidden Flavours and went over well so the hope is this year will have a similar turn out. 

Erotic Bingo is another event that has been put on previously in partnership with Flora Cowan. This event goes over well and is lots of fun, so it will be held again this year with a date to be announced. 

Take Back the Night is scheduled to be revisited in second term with the hope to be happening in late spring due to busy schedules and weather as noted in the previous Quill article. Planning will begin in February so if this is an event you are interested in helping with please contact the Collective! 

With some for sure dates set, the Women’s Collective is excited for another great year and welcomes any new members to come to the next meeting, so watch for a meeting announcement on Facebook!