Welcome to BU! by Charles Adamu

On behalf of the staff and students of Brandon University, I would like to welcome you all into a new year. 2024! To be honest, it feels like just yesterday that it was 2023, and the day before that, it was 2022 (I guess what I am trying to say is that time is running, and not the kind of running you partake in when you’re on the treadmill, more like the “the dog is chasing me” kind of running).

Before I go on, let me introduce myself. My name is Charles Adamu, and I am the assistant Editor-in-Chief of Brandon University’s newspaper The Quill. On behalf of all the members of The Quill, I say welcome! As always, as the semester goes by, I’ll be updating you all on what is happening on campus, what has happened and what is yet to happen. Brandon University might seem like a small campus, but I tell you what, when it comes to activities and events, we are no slackers.

I would love to welcome especially all those that have joined us in this winter semester. Welcome to Brandon University! (So you know… I am taking a slight bow right now). I can’t help but imagine the different scenarios that must have played in your heads as to what studying here would be like. I can’t help but ponder if you thought you would stumble upon a big gate labeled “Brandon University” on your first day here, as I did. Also, considering the weather and the various geographical locations that you all arrived from, I am sure the adjustment has not been easy. To be honest, I would certainly not appreciate leaving my country at 20 degrees celsius and touching down in a place with negative degrees. I tell you what, my body is going to be asking me questions like, “Bro, what are you doing in a freezer?”, or like, “Bro, did you go visit Santa Claus?” or maybe even like, “Bro, what are you doing visiting Elsa?” In the spirit of welcoming our newbies, I’m going to take the next few lines to give you some advice.

To start with, do not panic; It can be exciting but simultaneously overwhelming - coming from home to an entirely different place. A place with negative temperature readings, different lifestyles, different cultures, and my most annoying difference: different food. But hey, “poco a poco,” take it one step at a time. Do not rush. Do not compare your degree of settledness with someone else’s because it varies for all of us. Secondly, please ask questions. It might not be the largest of campuses but Brandon University has it all, so if you need something or you're in doubt about something, ask. Lastly, put yourself out there. I know you’re an introvert, I know you don’t like to talk to people, and I know you’re a loner, but it is a big transition, and you might find yourself feeling alone or out of place and so it is best to put yourself out there. Say hi to the person beside you in class, go to the gym, go to get-togethers and events. Be it the ones in residence, the ones organized by BUSU, or the ones organized by fellow students on campus, events are a great way to meet people.

I have enjoyed my time so far at Brandon University; I have made the best of friends, been taught by the best of lecturers, and have met the best of people. I hope you all enjoy your time here at Brandon University even more than I have. This is 2024, and this year, it’s for you!