Saskatchewan Teachers Strike by Yensy Lopez Molina

On Tuesday, November 16th, teachers across Saskatchewan took action in a one-day province-wide strike, in -30C weather. The STF (Saskatchewan Teachers Federation) announced the planned strike on January 11th, giving the government a five-day opportunity to allow negotiations regarding issues impacting students and teachers. It is important to know that the STF needed to legally give a 48-hour notice, but chose to give a five-day notice in hopes of an agreement which the government refused and ignored. Samantha Becotte, the president of the STF stated that teachers DO NOT want to strike, and that the action could have been avoided at any point if the government was willing to discuss long term commitments to address class complexity. “Teachers’ working conditions are students’ learning conditions” (Samantha Becotte). Teachers in Saskatchewan are overworked, underpaid, and taking on responsibilities they should not be required and are not paid to do. Saskatchewan is currently the second lowest-funded province. SK has 7 school divisions, each having a budget of $2.04 billion according to the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan. The STF has gained a lot of support from people across Saskatchewan as well as online, and 3300 letters have also been delivered to the Legislative Building in Regina in support of the cause. The Government of Saskatchewan continues to refuse their bargaining committee a new mandate to negotiate issues, therefore the STF has once again announced another five-day countdown. The next job action, announced January 18th, will be on January 22nd and will be another strike.