Getting to Know BUSU- VPE

Getting to Know BUSU- VPE

By Ronnie Neiman

In wanting to get to the people who are part of BUSU a bit more, I reached out to the VPE with a few short questions about  their role in BUSU and what they want to see happen with BUSU in the near and distant future. Here is the clear, unedited answers.

My name is Chukwuanugo (Anugo) Okudo and I am the Vice President Engagement for BUSU

BUSU helps to ensure that Brandon University Students’ have representation on campus, and we help in advocacy, voicing out student concerns and we offer student services.

BUSU has achieved a lot in the past years and I can least a few, we advocated for the pass no credit for students for the 2020/2021 session, we have ensured that students get appropriate representation in committee’s that make decision regarding the students, and the grocery program is a recent initiative to help students experiencing food insecurity and lot more and I take great pride and joy in all of this.

I hope to achieve more student engagement on campus and have more helpful events for students to attend which they can benefit from, and a long-term goal would be developing a good relationship with our students and always being able to help them out the best way we can.

I would advise the student to run for the position they are passionate about and advocating for students from that group.