What’s Going On at BU?

What’s Going On at BU?

By Charles Adamu, Reporter

      On behalf of the staff and students of Brandon University, I would like to welcome you all into a new year. 2023! To be honest, it feels like just yesterday it was 2022, and the day before that, it was 2021. (I guess what I am trying to say is that time is running, and not the kind of running you partake in when you’re on the treadmill, more like the “the dog is chasing me” kind of running.) Before I go on, I would love to welcome especially all those that joined us in the winter semester. Welcome to Brandon University! (So you know… I am taking a slight bow right now.) I can’t help but imagine the different scenarios that must have played in your heads as to what studying here would be like. I can’t help but ponder if you thought you would stumble upon a big gate labeled “Brandon University” on your first day here, as I did. Also, considering the weather and the various geographical locations that you all arrived from, I am sure the adjustment has not been easy. To be honest, I would certainly not appreciate leaving my country at 20 degrees Celsius and touching down in a place that is -20 degrees. I tell you what, my body would be asking me questions like, bro, what are you doing in a freezer? Or like, bro, did you go visit Santa Claus? Or maybe even like, bro, are you living with subzero now? In the spirit of welcoming our newbies, I’m going to take the next few lines to give you some advice.

     To start with, do not panic! I know it can be exciting and simultaneously overwhelming – coming from home to an entirely different place. A place with negative temperature readings, different lifestyles, different cultures, and my most annoying difference: different food. But hey, “poco a poco,” take it one step at a time. Do not rush. Do not compare your degree of settled-ness with someone else’s, because it varies for all of us. Secondly, please ask questions. It might not be the largest of campuses, but Brandon University has it all. So if you need something, or if you're in doubt about something, ask. Lastly, put yourself out there! I know you’re an introvert, I know you don’t like to talk to people, and I know you’re a loner, but it is a big transition, and you might find yourself feeling alone or out of place. So it is best to put yourself out there. Say hi to the person beside you in class, go to the gym, go to get-togethers and, especially, go to events – be it the ones in Residence, the ones organized by BUSU, or the ones organized by fellow students on campus.

     I already welcomed you guys to the new year, now let me also take this opportunity to welcome you all to Black History Month. A month set aside to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of Black people to the United States, Canada, and ultimately, the world. When one thinks of this month, certain names come to mind. Names like Martin Luther King Jr – universally known as a prominent civil rights activist; Rosa Parks – labeled as the “Mother Of The Free Movement;” and Muhammad Ali – one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time. And the list goes on and on. I would like to thank all of these Black people for their contributions to society, and for inspiring the rest of us to pursue our goals and stand up for our rights.

Valentine’s Day- Incoming!

           Hmm, February… Oh! February, the month of love. The month of saying, “What should I get her for Valentine’s Day?”; “Hmm, maybe a romantic dinner is what he’ll like, isn’t it?”; “Nah, I know my girl. She’s not much of a jewelry person, so perhaps I should take her to a picnic?”; and etc. The common context in all these statements is love. And not just any love, the romantic kind. It is also a month for people to think, “Damn, another year and still no one to call my Valentine,” “Self-love is the way, away with all those who think I need someone else,” “I don’t need love, love is for the lame,” and “Love is overrated, I would rather have loyalty.” Whatever category you fall under, newsflash: February 14th is just around the corner, brace yourselves for impact. Personally, if you know you’re receiving gifts on that day, stay away from me… far, far away. You have been warned. You know what, perhaps I should grant you a poetic warning: Roses are red, violets are blue, if you’re a Valentine’s Day gift-receiver and you don’t stay away from me, I’ll call the cops on you. As for me, I’ve got myself, my blanket, a very soft pillow, “du dun”(Netflix), and therefore will be fine (I think).

        But hey, do you ever ask yourself how this holiday started? I mean, what caused the world to reserve a day for lovers and leave the rest of us watching jealously? It is no news that Valentine’s Day occurs every 14th of February, and, in fact, the whole of February is celebrated as a month of romance – starring flowers, gifts, candy, and kisses – all in the name of St. Valentine. But funny enough, the true story behind the worldwide holiday is a mystery, a legend if you like. According to history.com, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

   One legend says that there was an Emperor, Emperor Claudius II, who decided that single men made better soldiers than those who had families and hence put a stop to young men getting married. The legend goes on to say that Valentine defied Claudius and continued to wed young lovers up until he was caught and killed. 

   Another legend says that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman Prisoners.

   A third one explains that there was a prisoner named Valentine who sent the first “Valentine” greeting after he fell in love with a young girl (possibly a jailor’s daughter). It says that before his death, he allegedly wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” – an expression that is still in use today.

   All these legends are quite interesting and all emphasize romance and love. And so, as you all go about sharing gifts and receiving flowers, make sure to remember that it’s not about the material things, but about love, care, compassion, and the effort put into making, buying, or even thinking about those presents. Have a happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

The Month of Love in Residence

    Love is in the air in residence too… Well, I think it is. Or rather, I hope it is. Here in residence, as always, the Resident Assistants, Residence Council, and Residence Manager are doing their bits to make sure the season’s spirit also resides here. Many events have occurred, and many events are yet to occur. For instance, not so long ago, the Flora Cowan Residence Council organized a movie night. They chose a movie titled, “13 Going On 30,” about a girl who is 13 and suddenly one day wakes up as an adult. I mean, imagine navigating the adult world as a thirteen-year-old! It is a must-watch. Also, on the 11th of February, the Darrach Hall organized a speed mingling night. And right after that, an ice-cream movie night was held in the McMaster TV room. Take it from me, people never grow too old for ice cream. If you ever need people to come to your event, use these four words: “There will be ice cream!” The movie seen was “Think Like a Man”, a movie that features one of my faves – Kevin Hart. The romcom kept all viewers laughing, talking, and continuously saying, “Aww.” And so, you see that love is at least in the McMaster TV room’s air. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been awesome as always to keep you up to date with my perspective on what is going on at Brandon University,  and I cannot wait to get in touch with you all again. My name is Charles, have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and a restful study break.